
Are you curious about what security devices are out there, and which ones are right for you? Check out this blog for tips on securing your home or business.


Why You Should Switch To Biometric Locks

22 July 2016
, Blog

Biometric locks were typically viewed to be exclusively used by businesses and large corporations. However, with the advances in technology, these locking systems have become accessible to homeowners too. All that you would need to do is hire a locksmith to install the locking system for you and you will greatly enhance the overall security of your home. So why should you switch to biometric locks for your home? Biometric locks eradicate the need for keys 
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Four Things to Do If You Lock Your Keys In Your Car Whilst It’s Running

8 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Locking your keys in your car is never ideal, but if your car is running, it can be even worse. Luckily, there are tips that can help you deal with the situation. Here's what you need to do. 1. Keep the car in your sight. If your car is running and no one is in it, it's almost an invitation to thieves. As the engine purrs, it says, "Take me.
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How to Keep a Senior’s Home Secure

29 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have an elderly relative, you want them to remain safe and secure in their home. Unfortunately, they might become the target to a home invasion because criminals assume an elderly person can't defend themselves and are an easy target. Here are some ways to protect your senior relatives and loved one from being the next victim of an intruder. Use Motion-Detection Lights Outside Having extra lights outside is good for multiple reasons in an elderly person's home.
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4 Things That Can Damage Your Door Lock - and How to Stop Them

10 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

People don't often think about how their actions and habits affects the lifespan of their door locks, until the door lock breaks and they're left locked outside. However, there are several things that can damage your lock, and they can be combatted very easily if you make sensible choices and perform minimal maintenance work. Here are four things that will cause damage and four ways to prevent that damage from occurring.
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Office Safes: A Straightforward Guide For the Small Business Owner

8 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As an owner of a small business, the security of your information is crucial: your backed-up electronic files holding important information relating to clients and customer contact details, not to mention any cash that is kept in the office for general everyday expenses. When it comes to buying a safe for your office, the vast array of options available can be intimidating. Consider the following quick guide to the important points to consider when purchasing a safe for your office.
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About Me
From Panicked to Relieved: Blogs About Locks, Keys and Safes

Are you feeling panicked about the security in your home or business? Do you worry that your safe isn't strong enough or that you don't have the right locks? If you have concerns like that, I invite you to explore my blog. Welcome. My name is Daniel, and I am extremely concerned about safety. When I was a kid, my home was burglarised, and that experience never left me. As an adult, I make it a point to learn everything possible about locks, keys and safes, and now, I plan to share that information in this blog. Please, explore, and if my posts inspire you, share them with your friends. Thanks for reading and I wish you health, happiness and safety.